Welcome to Smarth Portal

Choose Smartheducation-'Because we care'

How to Sign Up?

  • Sign Up to the portal
  • Wait for your account to be activated by the admin
  • Once your account has been activated, you may access your assessment courses

Course Coding

  • L - Lessons
  • TGC - Teacher Guided Courses
  • EP - Examination Preparation
  • FC - Free Courses
  • BA - Baseline Activity
  • DC - Demo Courses
  • L - Lessons
  • TGC - Teacher Guided Courses
  • EP - Examination Preparation
  • FC - Free Courses
  • BA - Baseline Activity
  • DC - Demo Courses

Contact Us

Email: info@smarth.education

Call: 0027 69 875 7780

Payment Options

Option 1

Go to Smartheducation and pay through the appropriate Pricing Plan.

Option 2

For EFT/CASH payments:

Contact us

  • info@smarth.education
  • +27 69 875 7780